
Organizational safety culture requires vigilance, effort and continuous oversight. AireXpert is commonly used as an essential component of operator and MRO CASS and SMS programs.

Horizon Air
Republic Airways
Jet Blue


Most compliance failures originate from an oversight that isn’t recognized and remediated until it’s too late. The AireXpert single source of truth timeline enables multiple stakeholders and roles to identify potential safety and compliance risks in real time and to alter the course before non-compliant decisions and actions are made.

Root cause analysis

When Quality Assurance auditors are tasked with digging through a pile of disparate information for regulatory purposes, the process often takes days and omits key and unrecoverable details. AireXpert is the online equivalent of a well-documented paper trail and leaves no doubts as to milestones, decision points and stakeholder participation. What used to take days now takes seconds.


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How can we use AireXpert effectively?

The key to AireXpert success is events. By creating an event for an aircraft requiring any category of line or base maintenance (Out-of-Service, RON, inspection, or modification) you create a space for every conversation to happen. And because events are made for specifically for aircraft maintenance, AireXpert has tools to meet changing needs -- If someone new gets involved, you can simply add them to the event and they scroll to read through old conversations. When it’s the event is over, it is saved with the aircrafts history making it easy to diagnose and repair next time.

What is an AireXpert Event?

Events are where work happens in AireXpert. An Event is a single place for a team to share messages, tools and files. Events are created for an aircraft requiring any category of line or base maintenance (Out-of-Service, RON, inspection, or modification). In addition, airlines can share an Event with external partners like contractors, clients and vendors with AireXpert External Link. Learn more about how channels can speed up your daily work here.

Is AireXpert more secure than email?

Yes! Unlike email, AireXpert is not susceptible to spam or phishing, which causes 90% of data breaches. You will only ever receive AireXpert messages from other people inside your organization, or from trusted partners using AireXpert Connect. You may get notifications from apps integrated with your workspace, such as sabre, Google Docs or Jira. AireXpert offers enterprise-grade data protection and privacy. Granular controls allow admins to customize security for each user, so no one sees things they shouldn’t. Learn more about how AireXpert can securely replace email inside your company.

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